Good News!
Discover Epi-Genetic Health Recovery & Prevention
We can now prevent many of today's chronic conditions by addressing their root cause: our daily habits.
Diet and lifestyle strategies are "change agents" and directly affect how genes express themselves. "The findings are in: high risk genes with low risk lifestyle reduces risk of chronic disease by 50%." - Dr. Jeffrey Bland, Founder of Functional Medicine
The Name of the Game
Removing Common Environmental Root Causes
Functional medicine is a model of care that focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of chronic health complaints. The usual suspects include blood sugar imbalances, environmental triggers, stress chemistry, gut flora toxicity, and chronic inflammation.
The Cosmic Joke
The Chronic Disease Epidemic
Humans are facing the biggest epidemic in human history. We can't buy ourselves out of this...we have never been able to recreate a single cell. Mother Nature is simply smarter than us. We must work in concert with our body's intelligence if we are going to sustain our evolution.
About Your Practitioner
Systems that Heal Learning Platform
Learn the Keys, Live the Solution
Metabolic Foundations Learning Series
Lectin Free Ketogenic Masterclass
Autoimmune Learning Series
GAPS Nutritional Protocol
Gut & Psychology Learning Series